I am 30 some years old. I have 1 step, 4 bio, and 2 adopted kids, so I am no stranger to chaos! They range in age from 18 months to 16 years, so it is always interesting! I have been staying at home for 2 years, because I could not afford gas and day care both! Recession, who says there is a recession? The American people have it great, right? Anyway, my husband supported the idea of me being home, so that is just the way it is for now. Sadly, right after I quit last year my mom got sick again and we lost her in Sept., so my being home was really helpful to her and me if I really stop to think about it! I guess that is enough of my crazed babbling for this section!
Oh my gosh that is adorable. Owen squealed that it was Batman ha! (he's quite obsessed with him lol). She is an adorable model as well lol.